Made for a Game Jam


Arrow keys

Z to shoot

Made by 



Andybugs-Art and Programmer 

Here is a bit of the story 

We kinda over scoped so alot of this stuff was not added

3 factions, 1 is controlled by the player. Aggressive Faction:

The Faction of the Odair are a malicious military force that seek to rule the galaxy by use of violence and brute strength. The Odair have strong weaponry and many enemies.

 A good pick for people seeking a traditional arcade shooter experience.

Neutral faction: The faction of the Mirar are a righteous group of rebellion against the evils of the galaxy. What they lack in firepower, they make up for with state of the art force-field technology.

A good pick for people seeking a twist on the traditional arcade shooter experience.

Passive: The faction of the Lizadores are a pacifist group of reptilian people. Their journey across the galaxy is one of pilgrimage. Make use of advanced Lizadorian evasive technology to avoid those who mean you harm.

A good pick for people that want to play bullet-hell game more focused on movement and dodging

But for me and some of our other team members first game jam i say im happy.


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The artwork of is good - a lot of detail went into them. The bullet hell side is there, but a little lacking as it just appears to be an endless run with no change. I totally get you when you say you overscoped: 10 days seems like a long time to begin with! I would have liked to have seen the differences of factions. Great effort, and you got a game completed: well done!